Planet Earth Party does what you tell it to do. It’s yours. It’s your voice.
As we go along, we will suggest adding other planet chokers to the list.
We will first ask you for your consent.
Only with your permission will we do this.
PEP was formed to NOT inconvenience ordinary people in any way. It’s free. No protests required. Perfectly legal and peaceful.
The rich and famous won’t like it. Politicians won’t like it. It will disrupt both. But so what? It’s YOU that matters. They have no right to damage our planet and threaten our kids’ future anyway!
Depending on which scientist you listen to, they fly 4-40 million stinking private jet flights every year.
Predicted to rise to 120 million by 2050.
Commercial flights are 38 million.
We need one almighty surge of action from everyone on the planet to save the planet.
And we made it simple.
Just click Save Our Kids. That’s it.
This is what the Planet Earth Party was formed for.
Planet Chokers are heaters.
You have the power to remove them.
You, the People, have a decision to make.
We either fix this ourselves or our kids face life without a future.
AMOC is juggernauting towards your kids’ future as we speak.
Only one almighty WALLOP from ALL of us will hold it back. But it's got to be global!
You saw AMOC in The Day After Tomorrow, where the northern hemisphere becomes an ice rink and we’re all forced to flee south. AMOC is no fiction.
AMOC is a climate-killing Armageddon that will obliterate your kids' future.
Carbon reduction solutions are too little too late!
PEP is a global solution for a global crisis.
Nothing less will do.
But it needs YOU to make it work!
The Fortune 500 top companies are all flying around in private jets.
Who's going to invest in them if their products can’t be sold? Investors will bail! Shares will plummet.
YOU can make this happen.
All they need do to stop it is stop being planet chokers.
Governments have been in power for centuries and look at the mess our planet’s in. They’re the ones who’ve been in control. Not you. Therefore, they, not you, are responsible. This is 100% proof of how crap they are at looking after our planet. And now they’re telling you to drive less - how are you going to get to work? - and fly less - when you’re entitled to a well-earned rest - and all the rest of it. They’re dumping the blame on you for their mess.
Currently, your democracy lasts for the time it takes you to tick a box on election day.
Power of the People then ceases.
It becomes Power of the Parties by the Parties for the Parties.
Special interests groups and party funders come second.
You - the PEOPLE - come third.
Our planet comes last.